



はじめに、七流階層で生きている人々とは一体どんな人達なんだろう?という疑問(妄想)が僕の頭をよぎりこのテーマにしました。なんとなく最初に思う事とは、働かない、借金がある、犯罪を犯している、頭のイカれた人などなどと思い付くのですが、少し違和感があるようにも思います。働かない人のジャンルでも働きたいのに働けない人や働いたら負けみたいな価値観を持つ人達もいるわけで、何かしらのトラブルで多額の借金を背負ってしまった人もいれば、夢や独立するために腹を括った上での前向きな借金もあり、犯罪を犯した人達も、頭がイカれポンチな人にも様々な諸事情があると思います。  僕が思うに、七流階層で生きている人間とは、“やりたい事があるにも関わらず何もせずに今の環境で生きている人間”なのではないかと思います。具体的な話をしますと今、働いている職場よりも本当はあの仕事がしたい、今の夫や嫁に満足はしているのだがあの人が気になる、歳も歳だから大人にならなくちゃなど、なんと言いますか...今の状態を受け入れつつも指をくわえて羨むような心の持ちようというのでしょうか?そんな人間を七流人間なのではないかと僕は思うのです。しかし、事情が事情でとか、モラル的にとか、常識的にとか、他人は言うのかもしれませんが、本当にベタなことを言ってしまうと“人生一度きり”誰一人として傷つけないで生きていくなんてことは難しいし不可能に近いです。  そして、超七流人間とはどんな人間なのかと言いますと、自分が七流人間階層から脱却し、常識を捨て去り、己の赴くままに生きていこうとする人間です。そうです.........高尚な自己中な人間達です。 全ての行動に対して自分の意思と責任を持ち合わせつつ一般社会に宣戦布告する人間達です。周りからは危ないやつ、変な価値観を持っていると罵られ、訴えられ、バカにされ、仲間外れにされ、シカトされ殺されてもいいような人間達です。それでもいいからこの道を自ら選んだ人達です。僕は強く思います。僕達は“人生を選ぶ権利がある”どうせ選ぶのであれば自分の心が惹かれる方へ行ってみたいじゃないですか?例えダメだったとしても....どちらにしても後悔するのであれば納得した後悔を選びたいものです。僕だけじゃないと思います。周りの人間達がロボットのように生きているように見えてしまうのは...


There are a variety of things, such as what is called first class, such as second - rate people, "So you can be three years indeed", but here, as far as "super" is attached the living in the seventh-floor hierarchy I would like to talk about human beings.

First of all, what kind of people are people living in the seven-stream hierarchy? The doubt (delusion) came across my head and made this theme. Somehow the first thought is that I do not work, I am in debt, I am committing a crime, a person who is stupid, etc. But I think that there seems to be a little discomfort. Some people who can not work even though they want to work in the genre of people who do not work, others have values ​​that seem to be lost if they work, some people have taken a lot of debts due to some troubles, others become dreams and independence There is also a positive debt for getting stuck in the stomach, and I think that people who commit crimes and people who are caught and punched have various circumstances. In my opinion, I think that people who live in the seven-story hierarchy are "people living in the current environment without doing anything despite wanting to do things". When I tell a specific story, I really want to do that work rather than my working place, I am satisfied with my current husband and wife, but I care about that person, because I am years old, I can not become an adult What do you say ... What is it supposed to hold a mind like envying fingers while accepting the current state? I think that such a human being is a seven-stream human being. However, it may be said that the circumstances are circumstances, moral, common sense, others say, but if you say something really solid, "Life only once" live without hurting anyone as one person It is difficult and impossible to go. And what kind of human being is the super - Hanbai humans is that I am trying to escape from the Nanba Human Hierarchy, abandon common sense and live as I go. That's right ......... Human beings who are toneful and selfish. Humans are declaring war on war against the general community while having their own will and responsibility for all actions. People who are accused of having dangerous values ​​and strange values ​​from around, appealing, being stupid, being outraged, being shocked and killed. Even so, they are the ones who chose this path themselves. I strongly think. We have "the right to choose life" If you choose anything, do not you wanna go to those who are attracted to your heart? Even if it is useless .... If you regret it in any case, I would like to choose regret. I think that it is not only me. It seems that the surrounding people seem to live like a robot ...