

Macのキーボードショートカット集 ③ 『書類』Mac keyboard shortcut












command B



command I



command U



command T



command D



control command D



shift command コロン (:)



command セミコロン (;)



option delete



control H



control D

挿入ポイントの右側にある文字を削除します。または、「fn delete」キーをお使いください。


fn delete

(Forward Delete) キーのないキーボードで、挿入ポイントの右側にある文字を削除します。または、「control D」キーをお使いください。


control K



command delete




fn 上矢印

page up:1 ページ分上にスクロールします。


fn 下矢印

page down:1 ページ分下にスクロールします。


fn 左矢印



fn 右矢印



command 上矢印



command 下矢印



command 左矢印



command 右矢印



option 左矢印



option 右矢印



shift command 上矢印



shift command 下矢印



shift command 左矢印



shift command 右矢印



shift 上矢印

選択したテキスト範囲を、1 つ上の行の、水平位置がもっとも近い文字まで拡張します。


shift 下矢印

選択したテキスト範囲を、1 つ下の行の、水平位置がもっとも近い文字まで拡張します。


shift 左矢印

選択したテキスト範囲を 1 文字分左に拡張します。


shift 右矢印

選択したテキスト範囲を 1 文字分右に拡張します。


option shift 上矢印



option shift 下矢印



option shift 左矢印



option shift 右矢印



control A



control E



control F 1



control B

1 文字分戻ります。


control L



control P

1 行上に移動します。


control N

1 行下に移動します。


control O

挿入ポイントの後に 1 行挿入します。


control T



command { (左中かっこ)



command } (右中かっこ)



shift command 縦棒 (|)



option command F



option command T

App のツールバーの表示/非表示を切り替えます。


option command C



option command V



option shift command V



option command I



shift command P



shift command S



shift command マイナス記号 (-)



shift command プラス記号 ( )

選択した項目のサイズを拡大します。「command 等号 (=)」キーも同じ機能を果たします。


shift command 疑問符 (?)
















This time, I will introduce "documents"!
Come on! Those who use the Mac!
We will shortcut to increase productivity and efficiency!
Please do it quickly!
Command B
Make the selected text bold. Or toggle bold attribute on / off.
Command I
Makes the selected text italic. Or toggle italic attribute on / off.
Command U
Underline the selected text. Or toggle underline attribute on / off.
Command T
Toggle display / hide of "Font" window.
Command D
In the "Open" or "Save" dialog, select the "Desktop" folder.
Control command D
Toggle display / hide of the definition of the selected word.
Shift command colon (:)
Displays the "Spelling and grammar" window.
Command Semicolon (;)
Search words that are misspelled in the document.
Option delete
Delete the word to the left of the insertion point.
Control H
Deletes the character to the left of the insertion point. Or use the "delete" key.
Control D
Deletes the character to the right of the insertion point. Or use the "fn delete" key.
Fn delete
(Forward Delete) Deletes the character to the right of the insertion point with the keyboard without the key. Or use the "control D" key.
Control K
Deletes the text from the insertion point to the end of the line or paragraph.
Command delete
In the dialog with "Delete" button or "Do not save" button, select "Delete" or "Do not Save".
Fn up arrow
Page up: Scrolls up one page.
Fn down arrow
Page down: Scrolls down one page.
Fn left arrow
Home: Scrolls to the beginning of the document.
Fn right arrow
End: Scrolls to the end of the document.
Command Up arrow
Move the insertion point to the beginning of the document.
Command down arrow
Move the insertion point to the end of the document.
Command left arrow
Move the insertion point to the beginning of the current line.
Command right arrow
Move the insertion point to the end of the current line.
Option left arrow
Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous word.
Option Right Arrow
Move the insertion point to the end of the next word.
Shift command Up arrow
Select the range of text from the insertion point to the beginning of the document.
Shift command down arrow
Select text in the range from the insertion point to the end of the document.
Shift command left arrow
Select text in the range from the insertion point to the beginning of the current line.
Shift command Right Arrow
Select the range of text from the insertion point to the end of the current line.
Shift up arrow
Extends the selected text range up to the next highest horizontal position of the line.
Shift down arrow
Extends the selected text range up to the character whose horizontal position is the closest to the next lower line.
Shift left arrow
Expand the selected text range to the left by one character.
Shift right arrow
Expands the selected text range to the right by one character.
Option shift Up arrow
Extends the selected text range to the beginning of the current paragraph. Press again to expand to the beginning of the next paragraph.
Option shift Down arrow
Extends the selected text range to the end of the current paragraph. Press again to expand to the end of the next paragraph.
Option shift left arrow
Extends the selected text range to the beginning of the current word. Press again to expand to the beginning of the next word.
Option shift right arrow
Extends the selected text range to the end of the current word. Press again to expand to the end of the next word.
Control A
Move to the beginning of a line or paragraph.
Control E
Move to the end of a line or paragraph.
Control F 1
Advance for characters.
Control B
It returns for one character.
Control L
Displays the cursor or selection in the center of the display area.
Control P
Move up one line.
Control N
Moves down one line.
Control O
Insert one line after the insertion point.
Control T
Replace the character to the right of the insertion point with the character to the left.
Command {(left brace)
Left align.
Command} (right brace)
Right justify.
Shift command vertical bar (|)
Center it.
Option command F
Go to the search field.
Option command T
Toggle display / hide of App's toolbar.
Option command C
Copy Style: Copies the format setting of the selected item to the clipboard.
Option command V
Paste style: Applies the copied style to the selected item.
Option shift command V
Paste and match the style: Apply the same style as the surrounding content to the item pasted in the content.
Option command I
Toggle display / hide of the Inspector window.
Shift command P
Page setting: Displays a window for selecting document settings.
Shift command S
Display "Save As" Dialog Box. Or duplicate the current document.
Shift command minus sign (-)
Reduce the size of the selected item.
Shift command plus sign ()
Increase the size of the selected item. The "command equal sign (=)" key also performs the same function.
Shift command question mark (?)
Open the "Help" menu.
That's it!
Come on! Use Mac!
Take your time to work!
I hope you find everything useful.